Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Weight Loss - Make Small Changes in Your Eating Habits to Lose Weight

There are some tips that can help you lose your weight a lot quicker. By changing some of your habits and switching to less fattening foods can add help you lose more weight. Reduce the fat from your regular foods and that will amount to many less calories in your body.

By choosing to drink low fat or skim milk can reduce about fifty percent of your calories from one cup of whole milk. The difference is about seventy calories less in one cup of milk. The calories can add up from drinking 1,050 calories to drinking 600 calories. That is 450 calories less a week and if you add up a whole month then you will be drinking about 1,800 less a month. To lose 1 pound you need to cut down 3,500 calories from your diet. So, every two months you might see a loss of 1 pound and at the end of one year 2 pounds by making a very small change by drinking low fat milk.

You can do the same by eating low fat and low calorie bread, cheese, mayonnaise and salad dressing. Just imagine that I mentioned 4 more foods and if you multiply that by 5 times 2 less pounds a year you can lose 10 pounds total.

Now add to your diet lean meats, seafood and chicken and skip the fast foods. Go light on your oils by using sprays. Then add lots of vegetables to fill you up. You can add all this changes slowly and you will see how your diet plan will become an easy undertaking to achieve. You will see the weight coming off and you will not feel the stress many people feel while on a diet. As you will keep eating some of the foods you like and you will be adding small changes to your diet.

Just need to remember that it took you a long time to gain the weight and by indulging yourself to whatever you wanted to eat. By making small changes you will not suffer from avoiding the wrong foods.

Angel S. likes to write articles about health, exercise, diet and now you can visit her website at

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